Presenting with Impact

Avoid the data-dump—capture audience attention through influential presentations, compelling visuals, and engaging delivery

Presentations are often the frontline of exchanging ideas in the business world. However, many presentations simply inform with a data-dump style, and fail to keep the attention of the audience. This detracts from the value of the presentation, and limits the ability of the presenter to influence. So, the ability to craft and deliver a strong presentation are crucial skills to have. The course discussed how to structure influential presentations, build compelling visuals and deliver in a manner that engages.

Key Learnings:

  • Adopting the mindset of an impactful presenter.
  • Using presentations to advance thinking rather than dump information.
  • Using physical and verbal presence to inspire belief in the ideas.
  • The Crucial Three: Structural sections that must be present in all presentations.

Key Outcomes:

Participants will walk away with strategies to:

  • Answer questions clearly, concisely and confidently.
  • Present with presence whether standing, sitting or virtually.
  • Manage the room and speak to PowerPoint.

Custom Courses

Our Custom Courses are created specifically for organizations whose requirements are not met through our core course offerings. Since they are created from the ground up, the process of course content development is collaborative and designed to match your vision.

If you want a custom course and aren’t sure where to start, just drop us a line! We enjoy being in the creative space with clients and building courses is fun, quick and never fails to generate great results.